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Jill Lynch Cruz
Sep 29, 20226 min read
Executive Presence: What Matters & What Gets in the Way
Here are three ways to show up more powerfully as a leader by paying closer attention to how you look, communicate and act.
Jill Lynch Cruz
May 26, 20225 min read
Are you a Control Freak? 4 Ways to Let Go of the Reins
Do you always need to be in control? That if you aren't, bad things might happen? The ability to control many aspects of your life...
Jill Lynch Cruz
Apr 26, 20226 min read
Do you Show up as Your True Self at Work? How to be a More Authentic Leader
Do you show up as your "true" self at work, or is there a difference between your authentic self and the version you show others? If so,...
Jill Lynch Cruz
Mar 17, 20226 min read
Gossip Too Much? Surprising Ways it Could Be Hurting Your Career
Do you find yourself caught up in workplace gossip? If so, realize you’re not just harming others, but your reputation too.
Jill Lynch Cruz
Feb 10, 20225 min read
Never Satisfied with Your Success? How to Break Free of the Overachievement Trap
Ways to break free from your need to prove your worth through your accomplishments and feel more satisfied with your successes.
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